Monday, February 13, 2006


As Valentine's day approaches, one always wonders if that special someone would suddenly pop out and ask u out on a date... I have to admit, its every girl's dream to be ask on a date by a guy and NOT the other way around... so guys (esp the dense ones) pls ask the girl out if u are really interested in her ok.... don't let her wait...
Life has been normal except for some hiccups along the way... we can't always wish that everything would be smooth-sailing all the time or else, it'll just retard our mental and emotional growth.. haha.. fine.. I'm crapping again.. haha... lets move on to something light shall we???hehehe...
For the girls only, this is something which u might find interesting...
He is interested in you:
he makes eye contact-not a glance, but more than a short intense stare just to get ur attention (woooooo)... If he is vocal in a grp, he tends to shower u with more attention becos he wants to know u better.. if he is the shy sort, he'll try to open up communication channels by doing more than saying... (hmmm.. ok... hahaha.. cocks la!) he also faces u during conversations and makes lots of gestures to indicate that he is open.
he likes you:
he makes all the effort to call when he says that he will and intiates follow up dates. he would also suggest dating exclusively cos he hopes for the relationship to evolve into sthg a more serious. he'll hold your hand and is not afraid to dress up for u or make lilttle noticeable changes to impress you...
he is serious abt you:
he refers to you as HIS girlfriend and confesses to really liking you and tells you how amazing u are in all seriousness.... and he even cancels a night out with his guys!!! :O
he loves you:
he refers to the both of u as we and makes plans for the future. he lets u drive his car (hmmm.. not bad) and introduces u to his friends to show people that u are someone who is important and adores u. lastly, he begins to assume that your weekends will be spent together and will slowly factor u into his plans...

kk... sorry for the xtra woooooo and :o... haha.. cos just wanna create some atmosphere.. -_-"
hahaha... anyway, study hard TF01.. cos exams are coming... and for the single girls, dunno how true the above descriptions are.. but V-day can also be spent with family and friends!!! and for the couples, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! haha... oh yea... almost forgot.. JJ Lin Jun Jie's new album "cao cao" will be released on the 17th of this month!!! I'm sure that me and audrey are gonna get our hands on it!!! whahaha....


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