Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ok.. i think I'm in the wrong course.. not that i'm not enjoying the modules though.. but i just found out that office work is really just not me!!!! i mean i have to sleep early, wake up early, sit the whole day till my butt gets flat and fat... eat all day cos there's no other entertainment... and i have no time for other stuff!!!!

i was just reflecting today as i jogged and decided that i don't want to end up like a barrel size person walking in the CBD area, thinking of wad food to eat next, or whether time would fly past fast enough..

so a zoo keeper is wad i have in mind... for now that is...

maybe i should look after elephants or the tigers or the polar bears or the cute penguins wearing tuxedos all the time!!! haha.. okok... i'll see wad God wants me to do with my life... to spend my time doing stuff which consumes all my time and makes me unhealthy (emotional) cos of office politics or to spend time doing conservational things and protecting His creations.


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