Monday, May 08, 2006

bdae clebration

met up with Jiakhee, Kailin, Rachel, Jody, Zhi Wei Malcolm, Pualjean and our BELOVED KAY!!!! haha.. wanted to celebrate mine, Jiakhee and Pualjean's birthday together...

ate at the Garlic Restuarant. Food was quite nice.. and since its named " The Garlic Restuarant", there was a generous serving of garlic in everyone of our dishes... haha...

we ate and talked abt our future... and with Kay around, there is always bound to be laughter!!!! haha... missed her jokes alot... we laughed till we were tearing and my stomach was churning for some reason... haha.. its like vigorious ab exercise after a heavy meal...

anyway, Kay, Rachel and Jiakhee said that I'll marry a Reverend or Pastor.... (-_-" )
OH MAN!!!!! I think everything I do in the future would be seen to my husband as "sinful"!!!!! cause I kinda scold vulgar words when stressed, make rude remarks to the person that I don't like and worst still... make fun of people!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! and Rachel kept saying " michelle, you have this holy look!!!! you are so holy!!!" (-_-")

ok.. enough of it... haha.. I shall work hard and make sure it won't come true... haha..
but instead of feeling upset, I was laughing really hard cause Kay was giving vivid expressions of all our husbands!!!! haha.... so funny la!!!

okok... and i found the top i want from Mango!!!! ahaha

thank you!!!! ( you know who u are!!)

it was a great night spent!


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