Thursday, February 23, 2006

my way...

It's time that i broke free from my comfort zone and do things my way. I dunno if it means I have to sacrifice my relationship with my mother, but I'm sure that God will provide where ever he leads me to. This is by far the boldest decision because it means that I have to defy my mother when she wants me to pray in the temple. But, I don't want to do that anymore! It's not what I want! I want to make my own decisions and seek myself instead of dictating what my mum wants me to do...

I've made a decision to go back to church. But not to the church which I went before. It's not that it is not good. But I just didn't feel that I belonged there. It could very well be my own sensitivity.. but I want to trust myself and go to another church.

However, I will continue my service in the Girls' Brigade because it was there that my faith in God started.

Nothing personal about this entry. It's just a reflection of my own feelings.


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