Friday, March 03, 2006

2nd entry

I'm just so tempted to post another entry.. haha.. because I don't feel like sleeping.. haha.. so I shall tell you a story.. DON'T YOU YAWN NOW!!! haven't even start la!!! ok.. here goes :

there was a girl by the name of Mandy. She was working as a tempory staff in DFS which is in the departure hall.. she was very happy about her work as the staffs were not only good to her, but also taught her alot of things.. like as if she was their daughter... all went well for her until that fateful day. she had been working there for almost two months and she thought she had seen all kinds of people. an italian( or french) man walked into the shop and demanded that she served him. without delaying a single second, she picked up a shopping basket and served the customer. the man granted "i want cigarettes." and she immediately brought him to the tobacco section and he took two cartons of Marlbaro cigarettes. as there was a promoter, she decided to pass the sales to her as there was a daily quota for her to meet.

While Mandy was handing over the shopping basket to the promoter, the man suddenly snatched back the basket and handed it over to Mandy and told the promoter " she is serving me". Both the promoter and Mandy were dumbfounded but they knew very well that the customer is always right. Hence, Mandy persisted in serving the customer but was wondering if that man was up to no good.

As they approached the cashier, the man decided that he wanted to get some chocolates since it was near Christmas. Mandy told him to pay first as the chocolate shop was a different shop. But the man insisted he wanted to get chocolates first and even asked Mandy to go with him. She didn't want to, but after countless pleas from the man and fearing that this would cause the promoter to lose a customer, she relented and went together with him.

While in the shop, the man asked Mandy if she like chocolates and asked her to choose. Immdiately, her six sense told her something was not right and she said " I don't eat chocolates". The man smirked and continued his selection of chocolates before paying at the cashier. It was bad enough for Mandy to be in another shop during working hours and to make it worse, the man kept rejecting the chocolate shop's staff offer to help. It was embarrasing as curious stares were directed in Mandy's direction. She just wished that the ground would just swollow her to save her from the man.

After paying for the chocolates, Mandy heaved a sigh of relief, thinking it was the end of that traumatic experience. But, the man didn't want it to just end this yet. He continued to ask Mandy to take a picture with him which she agreed to once again.

After which, she quickly made a mad dash towards to exit and to the shop she belonged to. There, she confided into the promoter and both of them made sure the man paid for the cigarettes which he did.

Mandy was relieved that all was well and continued her chores when a shadow was cast over her as she was kneeling down to pack the stocks. She looked up and to her astonishment, it was the same man again! She smile calmly and asked if he needed assistance but her heart was racing and her mind was in a whirl. The man smile beamingly and asked for Mandy's number.

Mandy was stumped for words but she announced clearly and calmly that she was married and that she was pregnant. The man's smile immediately disappeared but he managed a small smile and mumbled " oh. then your husband is a lucky man. For he has married a beautiful wife." At the moment, Mandy was thrilled that someone had praised her but she did not let it show. She graciously stretched out her hand and shook hands with hime while saying " it was nice knowing you".

The man left shortly after. Mandy was quite surprised that she could handle the situation as she was only 18 and a novice in the service industry.

ok pple.. this is the story.. haha... good nite!!! :)


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